Welcome to 2019, friends!
I wish you a Happy New Year! It’s February 16th, but I feel like 2019 just began for me. Every year Christmas is such a big deal in my family that it takes me a long time to even begin to prepare for the New Year. By prepare, I mean to mentally prepare myself for the change in calendar and really thinking hard about my goals for new year.
I used to set new year’s resolutions with a long list of things to do (get organized, remember everyone’s birthdays, BUY everyone in my life a birthday present, call my godmother on mother’s day, etc.,) and things to avoid (sugar, carbs, salt, rice, bread, butter, haha, etc.,). All these were well intentions, but I never followed through with them. And then I learned from Lara Casey about the art of setting a goal. I took one important piece of advice from her: pray about and select a Word of the Year.
Last year my Word of the Year was LISTEN. And boy did I Listen! I felt the presence of God dominating every area of my life as I taught myself how to LISTEN. I listened to Him, to my family, my body, my heart, my dreams, my fears (that’s a different blog for a different time!) and my daughter! I listened to her! My 2-year-old had a lot to teach me and I am so glad I stopped to listen.
2019 Word: Consistent
This year, my Word of the Year is CONSISTENT. I am praying to be consistent in all areas of my life. I know that I will need Grace along the way. There will be times when I am not consistent. I will be afraid sometimes. Maybe I will be forgetful on some occasions. It’s is okay to grow slowly, another lesson from Lara Casey.
I am praying for a healthy and growth-filled 2019 for me, my family, and my friends. I am praying the same for you and your loved ones. Join me in making 2019 a year of CONSISTENCY. Let’s be consistently kind. The tasks that are before us, let’s show up consistently to complete them. Our bodies and minds are a blessing to us, so let’s be good to them. Let’s do good and avoid evil (as our former priest Father Scalia used to say at the end of each Mass).
With Love,
Nilo Burke
Photo Credit: Stephanie Tignor Photography
Hair & Makeup: Amazing Occasions
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