See the Positive:
My “2-Minute Thankful List” Inspired by Jasmine Star

Be positive to inspire others!
I read a blog today by Jasmine Star just like I do most days, but today, it really hit home. I was stressed, and wanted to read something uplifting and educational to keep my mind off of the negativity that comes from the stress of owning a photography business.
And WHAT do I find? A blog that discusses the stress of owning a small business! HA! I thought, well, I might as well continue reading it. And the more I read, the more I was drawn to it. In it, Jasmine talks about a different set of stresses that comes with owning your business. It is not always easy to be your own boss. You don’t get to work 9 to 5 and get a paycheck. You have to do a lot of running around, planning, advertising, learning, improving, growing, and budgeting. Then you wake up the next day and do it all over again. It’s not like sitting at home in your pajamas and making easy money. Far from it!
Jasmine runs her business as a full-time photographer and educator. I, on the other hand, have a full time day job and run my photography business in the evenings and on the weekends. That comes with its own set of stresses.
In her blog, Jasmine asks her readers to make a “Thankful List” and take only 120 seconds to do it if they are “in a funk”. I took her up on it and came up with the following as part of my 2-Minute Thankful List:
1. I am in great health which allows me to do the running around and everything else for my small business. Health really is wealth, and I am thanking God for it!
2. My clients are amazing people, and I am so beyond thankful for that! They make my job easy!
3. My husband and family are very supportive. They’ve never once questioned me. I love that!
4. My day job gives me the luxury to be flexible with my business. I am so thankful for my 9-5 employer.
5. I am always learning in this business. I always have an “aha moment” when learning from Jasmine or Katelyn.
These are just some of the things on my Thankful List.
After making the list and setting it aside, I came back to it and re-read it. It made me feel better. Not everything is bad. Not everything is going wrong. There are some amazingly positive sides to owning your own business. Sometimes you have to step back and just look at it. Take one more glance, and see the positive!

Oh I loved this! Thank you for sharing your heart and following through with something you felt inspired to do. This is definitely encouraging to me and I appreciate your honesty! Keep up the good work – we’re on your side and rooting for you!!
Thank you so much, Meghan. 🙂
you are an inspiration Nilo.
Jeri, you ALWAYS lift me up! 🙂
Love this! I missed that blog post from Jasmine. This was nice to read. I’m going to do the same thing!